Focused Workers’ Compensation Guidance For Firefighters And Police Officers
Firefighters, police officers and other public servants put themselves in harm’s way every day to protect and defend others. This exposes them to various risks throughout their day. Should they become injured, their injury will also be covered by workers’ compensation.
Injuries to firemen often stem from things like smoke inhalation, accidents involving heavy machinery, equipment malfunctions, back and spinal cord injuries from heavy lifting, and burns. The job is intense, requiring heavy lifting and labor. We understand the common injuries suffered by firefighters and can help to provide the medical documentation needed to document the extent of the injury.
Police officers and corrections officers also face additional risks in their jobs. This can include car accidents, being shot or assaulted by criminals, and much less severe accidents, including falls, heavy lifts and other workplace hazards. No matter the extent of your injury, we are equipped to handle the workers’ compensation claim and trace your injury to your workplace.
New Jersey Firefighter And Police Officer Injury Lawyers
At Parisi & Gerlanc, Attorneys At Law, we routinely work with police officers and firefighters throughout Hackensack and Passaic County if they become hurt or injured on the job. Incidents on the job for first responders may lead to mental health issues, including PTSD. Sometimes, first responders may suffer devastating injuries. We are committed to carrying the legal burden on their behalf so that they can focus on recovering. Incidents on the job for first responders may lead to mental health issues, including PTSD. Our lawyers can pursue the full compensation you deserve.
FAQ About Workers’ Comp For Firefighters And Police Officers In New Jersey
Below, we’ve provided clear and concise answers to some frequently asked questions about workers’ comp claims in New Jersey. Our goal is to give you a better understanding of your rights and the benefits that may be available to you.
Can volunteer firefighters get workers’ comp?
Absolutely! Firefighting is a dangerous job, and volunteers play a valuable role in protecting our communities. Accordingly, in New Jersey, both paid firefighters and those who serve on a volunteer basis are entitled to workers’ compensation benefits for job-related injuries. This holds true even if you have another job or another source of income.
If you’ve been injured as a volunteer firefighter, don’t pass up this important opportunity to get financial security. You’ve devoted your time to safeguarding our communities, and you deserve compensation for any harm you have suffered in the line of duty.
Does workers’ compensation in New Jersey apply to injuries from PTSD?
Generally, yes. If you’ve been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as a direct result of a traumatic event in the workplace, you can pursue compensation if the PTSD limits your ability to work. Workplace traumatic events might involve witnessing a severe work accident or fatality or being assaulted on the job.
However, workers’ comp claims for mental health conditions can be more challenging to prove than physical injuries. Insurers often contest these claims, so it’s crucial to have comprehensive medical documentation and to present a persuasive case right from the start.
How does workers’ comp relate to disability retirement pensions?
If you’re a firefighter or police officer and are unable to work due to a disability, you may be entitled to a disability retirement pension through the Police and Firemen’s Retirement System. However, if you’re also receiving workers’ compensation, those benefits may be reduced based on your retirement benefits. However, there are a few exceptions to this rule.
The relationship between these two types of benefits can get quite intricate. If you find yourself in this situation, it’s a good idea to consult with our attorneys. We can clarify how these benefits interact to ensure that you receive the full compensation you’re entitled to.
Start Today With A Free Consultation
We are proud to serve those who serve our communities with dedication, courage and fortitude. To schedule a free initial consultation to discuss your injury and how we can advocate on your behalf, please contact our New Jersey law firm today at 551-587-8915.