Regardless of what profession you work in, one on-the-job injury that you are not exempt from is a burn. Your New Jersey workplace should have safety measures in place to minimize your risk, from providing personal protective equipment such as gloves and eyewear to replacing frayed electric cords. At Parisi & Gerlanc, we have provided legal assistance to many people who sustained burn injuries at work.
The American Safety Council states that the federal Occupational Safety and Health Act has placed responsibility on your employer to ensure that you are safe at work. Not only does this involve removing obvious threats, it also includes placing warning labels on substances or in areas that may pose a danger. You and other employees should undergo training in how to identify burn hazards, and how to interact with any substances or situations that are common to your job duties and your workplace.
If you experience a burn at work, a doctor will rate its severity on a scale of one to four. A first-degree burn affects only the surface of your skin. A second-degree burn damages the next layer of skin, often causing the first layer to bubble up in blisters. If your injury looks white or charred, it may indicate a third-degree burn, which destroys both of the top layers of the skin, and often the tissues underneath, as well. A fourth-degree burn may go all the way down to the bone, and this level of severity may result in an amputation. More information about workplace accidents is available on our web page.