What is the most common workplace accident to end in fatality?

On Behalf of | Jun 16, 2016 | Workplace Accidents

When you go to work every day in New Jersey, you probably do not think too much about the danger to your life, unless you work in a high-risk environment. Although the overall number of workplace injuries and death has decreased as health and safety practices increased, approximately 3.3 per 100,000 full time equivalent workers succumbed to a fatal accident in 2013 and 2014, around the country, according to preliminary numbers from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

In 2014, the number of people who died due to workplace accidents rose slightly from the previous year for a preliminary total of 4,679. You might be thinking that these fatal incidents only involved workers in the more high-risk industries, such as law enforcement, construction and oil fields. However, there were fatalities across many industries you might not expect, including educational and health services, financial activities and information. As you might assume, transportation and construction did top the list of industries with the most fatalities, with 874 fatalities in construction and 735 in transportation and warehousing.

Out of the fatal accidents, you could see a trend in the type of accidents. The largest contributor involved transportation, with 40 percent of the deaths involved somehow with transportation. Out of those, 23 percent involved roadway incidents. Although truck drivers accounted for a significant number, you might be at risk of this type of accident as well if you do any driving for work.

The second most common category of accidents resulting in death on the job was falls at 17 percent. This is not just if you slip on a slick floor; it is also if you were to fall to a lower level. Being struck by equipment or otherwise coming into contact with objects and equipment was accounted for 15 percent. Violent acts by another person or animals accounted for 16 percent of fatal accidents. The other major categories included exposure to harmful substances and fires and explosions.