The inherent risks of the construction industry

On Behalf of | Jan 21, 2016 | Construction Accidents

The work that construction workers do helps to keep New Jersey’s physical infrastructure intact, building homes, roads and places of business. It’s very important work, but it also carries with it some inherent risks. While safety measures can help to reduce these risks, they’re never doing to do away with them entirely. Examples of these risks and hazards include:

1. Work on tall structures and at heights, which can lead to falls. Serious injuries can occur even on low-level projects. For example, a one-story fall while working on a house could be just as deadly as a fall while building a skyscraper.

2. Work on excavations, which brings risk both because of falls and because of all of the heavy equipment that must be used.

3. Excessive noise, which can damage a worker’s hearing for the rest of his or her life. Hearing loss cannot be reversed.

4. Inhalation of dust, which can lead to respiratory issues. These issues can be even worse if the dust being inhaled is composed of lead paint, asbestos and other materials.

5. The use of power tools and heavy equipment, which can cause serious injuries and even death when an accident occurs.

6. Work in confined spaces, which can cause workers to become pinned.

7. Work with electricity, which can cause serious burns and even electrocutions.

With all of these risks, it’s worth noting that construction workers typically have more fatal accidents than any other industry in the United States.

If you’ve been injured on the job or lost a loved one to a fatal accident, you may have a right to compensation.

Source: CDC, “Construction Safety and Health,” accessed Jan. 21, 2016