Recent deaths at New Jersey Amazon warehouses being investigated

On Behalf of | Sep 13, 2022 | Industrial, Manufacturing And Warehouse Accidents

People who work in warehouses face a variety of dangers. The online retail behemoth Amazon has drawn attention and complaints from employees and safety advocates for their work conditions and the daily rate of output expected of its workers. 

Now, three deaths this summer at Amazon warehouses throughout New Jersey and another one in Pennsylvania are under investigation by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).

What’s the root of the investigation?

The fatalities, which occurred at different locations throughout the state, appear to have had different causes. 

  • One man died several days after he fell off a three-foot-high ladder and struck his head in Carteret. 
  • A man suffered a fatal heart attack in Robbinsville on July 13, which was one of Amazon’s highly touted “Prime Days” – among the busiest days of the year for the company. He was just 42.
  • A man who worked at a warehouse in Monroe Township died on August 4. The specifics of what happened to him weren’t reported. 

On Aug. 1, a Pennsylvania man died after he was involved in a forklift crash. He was just 22.

In addition to the other dangers that many Amazon employees have taken to social media and traditional media to detail, the record-setting temperatures this summer seem to have been reflected inside these warehouses as well as in the cargo area of Amazon trucks, where workers need to load and unload packages.

Amazon has pushed back on claims of unsafe work conditions. It says it’s cooperating with the investigations into these fatalities. 

If you have suffered injuries or a loved one has been killed as a result of their work, it’s crucial to understand your right to workers’ compensation benefits. Having experienced legal guidance can help you get the benefits you need and deserve for yourself and your family.