2 steps employers can take to reduce slip-and-fall accidents

On Behalf of | May 18, 2022 | Workplace Accidents

There are multiple compelling reasons why organizations need insurance. One of them is the prevalence of workplace accidents. When you hire people to work in your organization, you are basically responsible for their safety and well-being.

One of the most common causes of workplace injuries is slip-and-fall accidents. In fact, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) reports that slip-and-fall accidents account for up to 27% of non-fatal injuries in the workplace.

While the workers’ compensation coverage can protect your business from expenses related to treating or compensating injured employees, it helps to figure out how you can prevent workplace accidents from happening in the first place. Here are a couple of steps you can take to minimize or prevent slip-and-fall accidents in the workplace.

Providing proper railings in high-risk locations

One way to minimize the risk of slip-and-fall injuries is to provide proper railings in all the necessary spots. These include balconies and other elevated spots as well as stairways. It is important that the railings are firm enough to withstand human traffic.

Alongside the rails, it is equally important that the stairs are fitted with non-skid pads to prevent slips.

Fixing faulty taps

Liquids on floors and stairs pose a serious threat to workers who walk through those areas. The key to a safe workplace is to ensure a clean and well-maintained workplace. This is especially true in workplaces like restaurants and food processing plants where spills are a common occurrence.

It is important that the workplace is free of grease or faulty water taps that could increase the risk of slip-and-fall accidents.

Workplace accidents hurt employers and employees alike. If you sustain an injury at work, it is important that you pursue workers’ compensation claims to offset the damages resulting from your injury.