Harsh weather in New Jersey could damage roofs without warning. Thankfully, repair professionals may be able to put a new roof on a home without much delay. These contractors take risks working on roofs, which is why they benefit from following smart steps for better safety.
The seriousness of roof safety cannot be understated. OSHA reports that 34% of all roof-related falls do result in fatalities. Those responsible for managing construction jobs involving roofs need to take extra precautions to care for workers. The workers also benefit from following established safety procedures intended to preserve life and limb.
Different reasons can cause a fall from a roof. The structure of a damaged roof might not be able to support weight effectively. If the roof has holes in it, tripping over the imperfection might lead to a fall. Unfortunately, a hazard might not be easy to see. Accidents might occur even when everyone employs precautions.
Human error might contribute to dangerous hazards on top of a roof. Leaving power tools strewn about, using ladders that are weak or damaged, or engaging in horseplay or other unsafe practices could lead to injuries.
The improper use of power tools could also contribute to falling off the roof. Someone could become injured and slip. Of course, even without falling, a power tool injury might be serious. Even experienced workers could make mistakes with power tools, and damaged power tools present risks to workers.
Risks associated with hazardous substances and electricity present fatality risks. Inhaling dangerous fumes or coming in close contact with electrical wires may put roofing contractors or other workers in potentially dangerous positions. Employers might consider expanding safety training to cut down on the chances of falls and other injuries.
Roof workers facing so many hazards might take solace in the potential availability of workers’ compensation. An approved claim might provide an injured worker with revenue when he or she is unable to work.