Experienced And Accomplished Workers’ Compensation And Injury Attorneys

You can be compensated for contracting an occupational disease

Most New Jersey residents do not go to work in fear of coming down with a disease, but nevertheless it can still happen. As in all states, it is nearly impossible to specifically indentify the industries in New Jersey that may hold a risk of occupational disease. After all, occupational illnesses come in many forms.

However, it is safe to say that New Jersey workers could be at risk for the following illnesses:

— Work-related asthma

— Silicosis and other lung diseases

— Cancers

— Carpal tunnel syndrome

— Hearing loss

— Pesticide toxicity

— Chronic bronchitis

— Occupational dermatitis

— Food borne illnesses

— And many others

As a worker, you should understand that many occupational diseases or illnesses occur over a period of time, which can make them difficult to identify. For example, a worker may believe he or she is suffering from a persistent cold or cough when in fact a work-related lung disease may be the real culprit. It is the employer’s responsibility to provide a reasonably safe environment in which to work, which means that you may be compensated if you do contract a work-related illness.

Unfortunately, proving an occupational disease may be difficult in some cases, resulting in claim denial. This is when you need an experienced workers’ compensation attorney working on your behalf. The guidance such an attorney offers will enable you to gather all of the necessary documentation to prove your case while also ensuring your rights are protected. Further, a New Jersey workers’ compensation attorney can also assist you with applying for Workers Compensation or disability insurance if your illness continues for longer than 12 months. Continue exploring our website to learn more about your workers’ compensation rights and what to do about claim denial.